Mobal APN Settings

Looking for APN settings for your Mobal service? All of our products have different APN settings, so please choose the relevant product below.

Japan Voice+Data SIM (formerly Japan Unlimited)

Our Japan voice+data service with a grey/silver SIM card. If you received your SIM after Oct 2021, this is what you’ll have (version 2 SIM).  Previously, we supplied a black or white SIM card, see further below for apn settings for black/white (version 1) SIMs.

Japan Voice+Data eSIM

Our eSIM that you can use for voice calls as well as data.

Japan Tourist SIM

Our Japan data-only SIM with 8, 16 or 31 days expiry.

apn settings for japan tourist SIM

Japan Unlimited SIM

(version 1 SIM – provided until Oct 2021)
This is our Japan voice+data service with a white or black SIM card. We no longer supply this version of the SIM.  Recent customers will have our version 2 SIM above.


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