Data Services:

Once you have activated your SIM card, you will be assigned a high speed data allowance which will reset on the 1st of each month.

The amount of high speed data available to you will vary depending on the plan that you have selected but you will you will receive up to a 4G LTE data connection until your allowance has run out.

Once you have exceeded your high speed data allowance, you will still be able to access the internet but your connection speed will be restricted to a maximum of approximately 200Kbps per second for the remainder of that calendar month (until your data allowance is reset on the 1st of the following month).

If you find that you are regularly exceeding your high speed data allowance however, you may wish to consider upgrading to a plan with a larger data allowance. For instructions on how to submit a plan change request, please visit the following link: Plan Change Guide