Monitoring Your Usage:

Please be advised that there are three methods that you can use to keep track of your usage to see how close you are to exceeding your high speed data allowance.

Once you have exceeded your high speed data allowance, your connection speed will be reduced to a maximum of 384kbps until your plan is reset (and you are assigned a new high speed data allowance) on the 1st of the following month.

For details of how to track your usage, please refer to the guides below –

Option 1 – Device (White Air-1 Mobal WiFi Devices Only)

If you have a white Air-1 Mobal WiFi device, you can check your usage on the device itself. If you have a black U3 Mobal WiFi device, please refer to options 2 and 3 below.

To check your data usage, press the Data usage SSID button on your device’s screen. You can then view the amount of data that you’ve used so far.



Option 2 – MyAccount

To track your usage from your Mobal online account (MyAccount), please visit the our website and click on the “MyAccount” button as shown in the image below.


Alternatively, you can just go directly to your Mobal online account by using the following link or by clicking on the button below –

Once you have logged in to your online account, please visit the “Services” section (by clicking on the tab / button at the top) and then click on the “More Information” button next to your Wi-Fi device.


On the next screen, you can then scroll down to the section titled “WiFi Data Usage” and you will be able to see a record of how much cellular data you have used so far in the current month.

Option 3 – Admin Panel

The second method that you can use to track your data usage is by logging in to the ‘Admin Panel’ for your Wi-Fi device.

When you are using a device that’s connected to the Wi-Fi network, please open a web browser and go to the following link:

You will then be taken to a login screen similar to what is shown below:

Please enter the username / password (as shown on the sticker on the back of your Wi-Fi device) and then click on the “Login” button.

You will then be taken to the next screen where you will be able to see a record of how much of the 100GB high speed allowance has been used so far during the month.

If you have added additional data to your Wi-Fi plan however (by moving from the default 100GB plan to one of our larger plans), please be advised that you will not be able to keep track of the additional data allowance when using this method.

The ‘Admin Panel’ usage monitor will only allow you to keep track of your usage up to the default 100GB allowance and so you would be required to use the tracker on your Mobal online account (as shown in “Option 1”) to monitor your usage after exceeding this allowance.


Increasing Your Allowance

If you find that you are regularly exceeding the standard high speed data allowance, you may wish to consider upgrading to one of the larger plans that we offer.

For instructions on how to submit a plan change request, please click on the button below –